Calvin Coolidge Facts for Kids


Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge Facts for Kids
Calvin Coolidge was the 30th American President from August 2, 1923 to March 4, 1929. What are some interesting and important facts about his presidency? And what are some cool, fun facts about the man? The Calvin Coolidge Fact Sheet provides some fast and interesting facts about this important American President.

Calvin Coolidge Facts for Kids
Calvin Coolidge Fact Sheet provides some fast and interesting facts about this important American President. The dates of his presidency span August 2, 1923 to March 4, 1929 . Our fun facts and trivia begin with the following info:

Life dates: 1872 - 1933
Born on July 4, 1872 in Plymouth Notch, Vermont
Died on January 5, 1933 at The Beeches, in Northampton

Calvin Coolidge Facts for Kids
The following fact file format provides a fast overview and fun facts about the Calvin Coolidge Presidency with interesting and important information about some important events and accomplishments of his presidency. Calvin Coolidge facts provide a fast overview of this famous American President.

Calvin Coolidge Facts for kids: Fun Fact Sheet

Calvin Coolidge Fact 1:Calvin Coolidge was the 30th president of the US from 1923 to 1929.
Calvin Coolidge Fact 2:Accomplishments and Achievements: He advocated and secured reductions in taxes for wealthy Americans, referred to as the "Coolidge Prosperity". He encouraged the reckless stock market speculation of the late 1920s leaving the nation unprepared for the economic collapse and the Stock Market Crash which led to the Great Depression.
Calvin Coolidge Fact 3:Career: He became Northampton, MA City Councilman, 1899, City Solicitor, 1900-01 and Clerk of Courts, 1904
Calvin Coolidge Fact 4:He married Grace Anna Goodhue on October 4, 1905. They had 2 sons
Calvin Coolidge Fact 5:During his political career he served as State Senator, Lieutenant Governor and Governor (Massachusetts). He became Vice President, 1921-23 (under Harding)
Calvin Coolidge Fact 6:Presidential Cabinet: The name of his Vice President was Charles G. Dawes (1925-29). The names of the men who held the position of Secretary of State were Charles Evans Hughes (1923-25) and Frank B. Kellogg (1925-29).
Calvin Coolidge Fact 7:Famous Quote: The President's own words and a famous quote are as follows, "In a republic the first rule for the guidance of the citizen is obedience of the law."
Calvin Coolidge Fact 8:He was known by his middle name, his birth name was John Calvin Coolidge, after his father.
Calvin Coolidge Fact 9:Nicknames: His nicknames included Cautious Cal, Silent Cal and Cool Cal.
Calvin Coolidge Fact 10:Personality: He was and introvert and could be extremely stubborn. He made it difficult for people to have and easy conversation with him.


Calvin Coolidge Facts for kids

Calvin Coolidge Facts for Kids
The Calvin Coolidge fact file provides interesting facts and important information about the 30th President of the United States.


Presidential Seal


Calvin Coolidge Facts for kids
Interesting, fun facts about Calvin Coolidge for kids are continued below.

Calvin Coolidge Facts for kids: Fun Fact Sheet

Fact 11:During his presidency the First talking picture, The Jazz Singer, starring Al Jolson as released
Fact 12:This was the era of the airplanes. During his presidency the Air Commerce Act was passed giving the Commerce Department powers over the aviation industry, such as the licensing of pilots and airplanes.
Fact 13:A important event during his presidency was the the first non-stop transatlantic flight by Charles Lindbergh across the Atlantic from New York City to Paris
Fact 14:He died of heart failure at the age of 60 on January 5, 1933 at The Beeches, in Northampton.
Fact 15:He was buried at Plymouth Notch, Vermont.
Fact 16:The next US President was Herbert Hoover

Calvin Coolidge Facts for kids

Calvin Coolidge Facts for Kids - President Calvin Coolidge Video
The Calvin Coolidge Facts provide a fast, fun overview of this important American President. The following Calvin Coolidge video will give you additional important facts and dates about both the personal life and political life of the 30th President of the United States whose presidency spanned from August 2, 1923 to March 4, 1929.




Calvin Coolidge Facts for Kids
Interesting Facts and Calvin Coolidge trivia for kids and schools
Interesting short facts and trivia about Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Coolidge facts of important, key events
Calvin Coolidge Presidency from August 2, 1923 to March 4, 1929
Fast, fun, Calvin Coolidge facts about important events
Short, little known facts about the President
Calvin Coolidge Presidency and Calvin Coolidge facts for schools, homework, kids and children

 Calvin Coolidge Facts - Important Events for Kids - Short Facts for kids - Interesting facts for kids - Fun Facts for Kids - 10 Facts for kids - President - American - US - USA - Interesting Calvin Coolidge Facts - America - Important Facts - Calvin Coolidge Facts - United States - Facts for Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important Facts for kids - Key - Presidential - 10 Facts for kids - History - Presidency - Achievements - Accomplishments - 10 Facts for kids - Short - Little Known - Important - Short Trivia - Fun Facts for kids - Facts - Interesting - Political - Short Calvin Coolidge Facts - Info - Information - Short Calvin Coolidge Facts