Franklin Pierce Facts


president Franklin Pierce

Franklin Pierce Facts for Kids
Franklin Pierce was the 14th American President from March 4, 1853 to March 4, 1857. What are some interesting and important facts about his presidency? And what are some cool, fun facts about the man? The Franklin Pierce Fact Sheet provides some fast and interesting facts about this important American President.

Franklin Pierce Facts for Kids
Franklin Pierce Fact Sheet provides some fast and interesting facts about this important American President. The dates of his presidency span March 4, 1853 to March 4, 1857 . Our fun facts and trivia begin with the following info:

Life dates: 1804 - 1869
Born on November 23, 1804 in Hillsboro, New Hampshire
Died on October 8, 1869 in Concord, New Hampshire

Franklin Pierce Facts for Kids
The following fact sheet provides a fast overview and fun facts about the Franklin Pierce Presidency with interesting and important information about some important events and accomplishments of his presidency. Franklin Pierce Facts provide a fast overview of this famous American President.

Franklin Pierce Facts for kids: Fun Fact Sheet

Franklin Pierce Fact 1:Franklin Pierce was the 14th president of the US from 1853 to 1857.
Franklin Pierce Fact 2:Accomplishments and Achievements: An ineffective president he was incapable of stemming the march towards Civil War. One of his few accomplishments was initiating discussions on acquiring Alaska.
Franklin Pierce Fact 3:He was an alcoholic who lacked self-confidence and often combated his feeling of inadequacy by granting inappropriate favors.
Franklin Pierce Fact 4:He married Jane Means Appleton on November 10, 1834. The couple had 3 Sons (Their first son died 3 days after birth and another died at age 4 from typhus)
Franklin Pierce Fact 5:After his election and before the inauguration, his only remaining son, 11-year-old Benjamin, was killed in a train wreck although his parents escaped unharmed from the same wreck.
Franklin Pierce Fact 6:During his military career he served as Brigadier General, US Army in the War with Mexico.
Franklin Pierce Fact 7:During his political career he served as Speaker of N.H. state legislature, U.S. Representative, U.S. Senator
Franklin Pierce Fact 8:Presidential Cabinet: The name of his Vice President was William R. King (1853-57). The name of his Secretary of State was William L. Marcy (1853-57)
Franklin Pierce Fact 9:Famous Quote: The President's own words and a famous quote are as follows, "Frequently the more trifling the subject, the more animated and protracted the discussion."
Franklin Pierce Fact 10:He received the nickname "Doughface" which was a derogatory term used to describe a Northerner who sympathized with Southern ideology.


Franklin Pierce Facts for kids

Franklin Pierce Facts for Kids
The Franklin Pierce fact file provides interesting facts and important information about the 14th President of the United States.


Presidential Seal


Franklin Pierce Facts for kids
Interesting, fun facts about Franklin Pierce for kids are continued below.

Franklin Pierce Facts for kids: Fun Fact Sheet

Fact 11:His son, Benjamin "Bennie" Pierce, died at the age of 11 in a tragic train accident and was decapitated in front of his father.
Fact 12:Main events during his presidency included the Gadsden Purchase in which the United States acquired more than 30,000 sq. mile s of new territory in southwest Arizona and New Mexico for $10 million.
Fact 13:The Kansas- Nebraska Act was passed in which newly formed territories could decide whether slavery would be allowed in their new state when they applied for statehood
Fact 14:A series of violent events involving abolitionists and pro-Slavery factions took place in Kansas Territory - known as Bleeding Kansas
Fact 15:The events of his presidency ended with the Ostend Manifesto which was a secret document proposing the annexation of Cuba from Spain by proslavery diplomats.  The Ostend Manifesto led to huge controversy between the northern and southern states
Fact 16:He died of stomach inflammation on October 8, 1869 in Concord, New Hampshire at the age of 64 years.
Fact 17:He was buried in the Old North Cemetery, Concord, New Hampshire
Fact 18:The next US President was James Buchanan.

Franklin Pierce Facts for kids

Franklin Pierce Facts for Kids - President Franklin Pierce Video
The Franklin Pierce Facts provide a fast, fun overview of this important American President. The following Franklin Pierce video will give you additional important facts and dates about both the personal life and political life of the 14th President of the United States whose presidency spanned from March 4, 1853 to March 4, 1857.




Franklin Pierce Facts for Kids
Interesting Facts and Franklin Pierce trivia for kids and schools
Interesting short facts and trivia about Franklin Pierce
Franklin Pierce facts of Key events about accomplishments
Franklin Pierce Presidency from March 4, 1853 to March 4, 1857
Fast, fun, interesting facts about important events in his presidency
Short, little known facts about the President
Franklin Pierce Presidency and Franklin Pierce History facts for schools, homework, kids and children

 Franklin Pierce Facts - Important Events for Kids - Short Facts for kids - Interesting facts for kids - Fun Facts for Kids - 10 Facts for kids - President - American - US - USA - Interesting Franklin Pierce Facts - America - Important Facts - Franklin Pierce Facts - United States - Facts for Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important Facts for kids - Key - Presidential - 10 Facts for kids - History - Presidency - Achievements - Accomplishments - 10 Facts for kids - Short - Little Known - Important - Short Trivia - Fun Facts for kids - Facts - Interesting - Political - Short Franklin Pierce Facts - Info - Information - Short Franklin Pierce Facts