Harry Truman Facts for Kids


Harry S Truman

Harry Truman Facts for Kids
Harry Truman was the 33rd American President from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. What are some interesting and important facts about his presidency? And what are some cool, fun facts about the man? The Harry Truman Fact Sheet provides some fast and interesting facts about this important American President.

Harry Truman Facts for Kids
Harry Truman Fact Sheet provides some fast and interesting facts about this important American President. The dates of his presidency span April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953 . Our fun facts and trivia begin with the following info:

Life dates: 1884 - 1972
Born on May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri
Died on December 26, 1972 in Independence, Missouri

Harry Truman Facts for Kids
The following fact sheet provides a fast overview and fun facts about the Harry Truman Presidency with interesting and important information about some important events and accomplishments of his presidency. Harry Truman Facts provide a fast overview of this famous American President.

Harry Truman Facts for kids: Fun Fact Sheet

Harry Truman Fact 1:Harry S Truman was the 33rd president of the US from 1945 to 1953.
Harry Truman Fact 2:Accomplishments and Achievements: He was a strong president and made the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan leading to the end of WW2
Harry Truman Fact 3:Harry Truman was married to Elizabeth (Bess) Virginia Wallace Truman on June 28, 1919. They had 1 child, a daughter called Margaret.
Harry Truman Fact 4:During his military career he served as Artillery Officer in WW1
Harry Truman Fact 5:During his political career he served as Judge, U.S. Senator, Vice President 1945 under F.D. Roosevelt
Harry Truman Fact 6:Presidential Cabinet: The name of his Vice President was Alben W. Barkley (1949-53). The names of the men who held the position of Secretary of State were Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. (1945), James F. Byrnes (1945-47), George C. Marshall (1947-49) and Dean G. Acheson (1949-53)
Harry Truman Fact 7:Famous Quote: The President's own words and a famous quote are as follows, "If you can't convince them, confuse them."
Harry Truman Fact 8:He had a bold and confident personality but was not arrogant, in fact he was described as a modest man
Harry Truman Fact 9:He possessed fine characteristics. He was incorruptible, honest and direct. He was known to demonstrate had a fiery temper at times.
Harry Truman Fact 10:The First Family was so close they became known as "The Three Musketeers".


Harry Truman Facts for kids

Harry Truman Facts for Kids
The Harry Truman fact file provides interesting facts and important information about the 33rd President of the United States.


Presidential Seal


Harry Truman Facts for kids
Interesting, fun facts about Harry Truman for kids are continued below.

Harry Truman Facts for kids: Fun Fact Sheet

Fact 11:His confidence was reflected in his philosophy “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen”. He had a plaque on his desk that said "The Buck Stops Here."
Fact 12:He was placed in the position of making one of the most difficult decisions made by a President when  made the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan which led to the end of WW2.
Fact 13:Personality: He was friendly open and honest which made him popular with the American public.
Fact 14:The initial "S" in his name represents his grandfathers - Anderson Shippe Truman and  Solomon Young,
Fact 15:His poor eyesight prevented him from joining in sports but led him to two of his greatest passions - reading and music
Fact 16:Assassination Attempt: On November 1, 1950 Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola attempted to shoot the President
Fact 17:His policy of communist containment started the Cold War, and he initiated American involvement in the Korean War.
Fact 18:He died of Heart Failure on December 26, 1972 in Independence, Missouri at the grand old age of 88.
Fact 19:He was buried in the courtyard of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Museum and Library.
Fact 20:The next US President was Dwight D Eisenhower.

Harry Truman Facts for kids

Harry Truman Facts for Kids - President Harry Truman Video
The Harry Truman facts provide a fast, fun overview of this important American President. The following Harry Truman video will give you additional important facts and dates about both the personal life and political life of the 33rd President of the United States whose presidency spanned from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953.




Harry Truman Facts for Kids
Interesting Facts and Harry Truman trivia for kids and schools
Interesting short facts and trivia about Harry Truman
Harry Truman facts of important, Key events and accomplishments
Harry Truman Presidency from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953
Fast, fun, interesting Harry Truman facts about important events
Short, little known facts about the President
Harry Truman Presidency and Harry Truman facts for schools, homework, kids and children

 Harry Truman Facts - Important Events for Kids - Short Facts for kids - Interesting facts for kids - Fun Facts for Kids - 10 Facts for kids - President - American - US - USA - Interesting Harry Truman Facts - America - Important Facts - Harry Truman Facts - United States - Facts for Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important Facts for kids - Key - Presidential - 10 Facts for kids - History - Presidency - Achievements - Accomplishments - 10 Facts for kids - Short - Little Known - Important - Short Trivia - Fun Facts for kids - Facts - Interesting - Political - Short Harry Truman Facts - Info - Information - Short Harry Truman Facts