James Garfield Facts for Kids


James Garfield

James Garfield Facts for Kids
James Garfield was the 20th American President from March 4, 1881 to September 19, 1881. What are some interesting and important facts about his presidency? And what are some cool, fun facts about the man? The James Garfield Fact Sheet provides some fast and interesting facts about this important American President.

James Garfield Facts for Kids
James Garfield Fact Sheet provides some fast and interesting facts about this important American President. The dates of his presidency span March 4, 1881 to September 19, 1881 . Our fun facts and trivia begin with the following info:

Life dates: 1831 – 1881
Born on November 19, 1831, in Orange, Ohio
James Garfield was assassinated on September 19, 1881, in Elbberon, New Jersey by Charles Julius Guiteau

James Garfield Facts for Kids
The following fact sheet provides a fast overview and fun facts about the James Garfield Presidency with interesting and important information about some important events and accomplishments of his presidency. James Garfield Facts provide a fast overview of this famous American President.

James Garfield Facts for kids: Fun Fact Sheet

James Garfield Fact 1:James Garfield was the 20th president of the US in 1881.
James Garfield Fact 2:The Assassination of the president: President Garfield was shot on July 2, 1881 by Charles J. Guiteau. All of the Presidents of the USA who were assassinated have had their likenesses stamped on coins or paper money
James Garfield Fact 3:Accomplishments and Achievements: His single executive order was to provide government workers the day off on May 30, 1881, in order to decorate the graves of those who died in the American Civil War.
James Garfield Fact 4:His presidency only lasted for from 100 days during which time he advocated hard money policies backed by gold.
James Garfield Fact 5:During his military career he was the youngest Brigadier General during the Civil War
James Garfield Fact 6:During his political career he served as U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator
James Garfield Fact 7:He married Lucretia Rudolph on November 11, 1858. The couple had Five Sons and Two Daughters
James Garfield Fact 8:His wife was called by the pet name "Crete" by her family, friends and husband. She was initially reluctant to assume her duties as First Lady and is quoted as saying "It is a terrible responsibility to come to him and to me."
James Garfield Fact 9:Presidential Cabinet: The name of his Vice President was Chester A. Arthur (1881). The name of his Secretary of State was James G. Blaine (1881)
James Garfield Fact 10:Famous Quote: The President's own words and a famous quote are as follows, "All free governments are managed by the combined wisdom and folly of the people."


James Garfield Facts for kids

James Garfield Facts for Kids
The James Garfield Facts detailed above provides interesting facts and important information about the 20th President of the United States.


Presidential Seal


James Garfield Facts for kids
Interesting, fun facts about James Garfield for kids are continued below.

James Garfield Facts for kids: Fun Fact Sheet

Fact 11:The President was shot on July 2, 1881 by Charles Julius Guiteau, a disgruntled Republican, at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, DC
Fact 12:One of the assassin's bullets was lodged in his spine and the president was bedridden in the White House and was in considerable pain
Fact 13:His doctors had made several unsuccessful attempts to remove the bullet while he lay in his White House bedroom, awake and in pain.
Fact 14:Alexander Graham Bell attempted to use an early version of a metal detector to find the second bullet, but failed.
Fact 15:Careless work by surgeons led to infection causing his death by blood poisoning on September 19, 1881, eleven weeks after he was shot
Fact 16:He died at the age of 49 and his last words were "My work is done."
Fact 17:He was buried at Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio
Fact 18:The president's spine, which shows the hole made by the bullet, is kept as a historical relic by the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington, D.C.
Fact 19:The next US President was Chester Arthur.
Fact 20:Charles Julius Guiteau was deemed sane by a jury, convicted of murder and hanged on June 30, 1882.

James Garfield Facts for kids

James Garfield Facts for Kids - President James Garfield Video
The James Garfield facts provide a fast, fun overview of this important American President. The following James Garfield video will give you additional important facts and dates about both the personal life and political life of the 20th President of the United States whose presidency spanned from March 4, 1881 to September 19, 1881.




James Garfield Facts for Kids
Interesting Facts and history trivia for kids and schools
Interesting short facts and trivia about James Garfield
Facts of important, Key events about accomplishments
James Garfield Presidency March 4, 1881 to September 19, 1881
Fast, fun, interesting facts about important events in his presidency
Short, little known facts about the President
James Garfield Presidency and History facts for schools, homework, kids and children

 James Garfield Facts - Important Events for Kids - Short Facts for kids - Interesting facts for kids - Fun Facts for Kids - 10 Facts for kids - President - American - US - USA - Interesting James Garfield Facts - America - Important Facts - James Garfield Facts - United States - Facts for Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important Facts for kids - Key - Presidential - 10 Facts for kids - History - Presidency - Achievements - Accomplishments - 10 Facts for kids - Short - Little Known - Important - Short Trivia - Fun Facts for kids - Facts - Interesting - Political - Short James Garfield Facts - Info - Information - Short James Garfield Facts