US Presidents - History Timelines of Major Events and Accomplishments Discover the major events and accomplishments during the presidencies of the famous US Presidents. Every section is accompanied by pictures of the US Presidents. Comprehensive facts and important information about the wars and conflicts that involved the US, important initiatives and achievements such as the exploration of space. Learn about the ratification of important Acts, laws, amendments and additions to the Constitution that were initiated by US Presidents passed by Congress detailed in the timelines of US Presidents. Find the history and events surrounding the deaths of the Assassinated Presidents and their assassins. The history of the impeached US Presidents, the Constitution of the United States, the House of Representatives, the US Senate and the process of Impeachment. Overview of the Presidents of the USA with pictures, facts and interesting trivia. US Presidents - The Mount Rushmore Presidents and Important US Presidents Dates Discover interesting facts and information about the history surrounding the creation of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial and why the Mount Rushmore US Presidents were chosen. The helpful list of US Presidents Dates contain the names of all the US Presidents, the number of their presidencies, their terms and dates in office and their ages at inauguration, their dates of birth and their dates of death, their age at death and the lifespan dates of all the US Presidents. The article on the US Presidents dates in office contains details of the dates of their tenure or terms in office, the dates they assumed office, their age at Inauguration and the dates they left office. US Presidents - Political Parties, Republicans and Democrats Our article on US Presidents in order with dates and parties also provides a definition of all the US Political Parties together with their ideals, views and beliefs. Learn about the political affiliations of each US President. Who were Republicans and who were Democrats? Refer to our articles on Republican and Democratic President sections. Our article on US Presidents in order with dates and parties also provides a definition of all the US Political Parties together with their ideals, views and beliefs. US Presidents Government: Presidential Cabinets, Presidential Succession & Presidents Quiz Discover fascinating facts about the US Government, the members of each Presidential Cabinet and the cabinet departments. The order of Presidential succession and the definitions of the roles of the Vice President, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate Pro Tempore and the Presidential Cabinet members. US Presidents Ranking - The Best and the Worst Our article on US Presidents in order with dates and parties also provides a definition of all the US Political Parties together with their ideals, views and beliefs. Learn about the political affiliations of each US President. Who were Republicans and who were Democrats? Refer to our articles on Republican and Democratic President sections. Our article on US Presidents in order with dates and parties also provides a definition of all the US Political Parties together with their ideals, views and beliefs. US Presidents and the First Ladies: Biographies and Nicknames Our Discover fascinating facts and information about the First Ladies from Martha Washington, Mary Todd Lincoln to Michelle Obama. Facts sheets on all of their first ladies detailing important information about their lives, their characters and personalities, nicknames, their relationships and their accomplishments together with the causes and charities that they supported. The US Presidents - The Impeached Presidents Discover the history of the impeached Presidents. The right to impeach public officials, including US Presidents, is secured by the U.S. Constitution. Two US Presidents have been impeached: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Richard Nixon, one of the most famous, or infamous of all the US Presidents resigned before before he could be impeached. Read about the history of the impeached US Presidents. The Assassinated Presidents Find facts and information about the assassinated Presidents and the names of their assassins. The history and events that led to the deaths of the assassinated Presidents. The Mount Rushmore Presidents Find facts and information about the Mount Rushmore Presidents. The Republican and the Democratic Presidents: Political Parties Learn about the political affiliations of the US Presidents. Who were Republicans and who were Democrats? Refer to our articles on Republican Presidents and Democratic Presidents. US Presidents Dates in Office This article provides facts and information about all US Presidents Dates in Office. The Greatest US Presidents - US President Ranking List Use our US President Ranking list as a guideline to the Greatest US Presidents. The Best US Presidents Find facts and information on Who were the Best US Presidents? The Worst US Presidents Find facts and information on Who were the Worst US Presidents? The US Presidents - the Presidents on money Find facts and information the Presidents on money. Which US Presidents are on coins? Which US Presidents are on bills? The Presidents of the USA Overview of the Presidents of the USA with pictures, facts and interesting trivia. Discover interesting facts and trivia including answers to common questions such as who was the tallest president, the heaviest president, the lightest President, the most intelligent President, the greatest Presidents and the names of the US Presidents who died in office. Lists of US Presidents We have provided various lists of US Presidents: lists in alphabetical order, lists in chronological order, lists of the Vice Presidents and lists of the First Ladies. The US Presidents and the First Ladies Facts, information and short biographies of the First Ladies and their roles in the presidencies. The US Presidents Speeches Read the transcripts, watch the videos and listen to the famous speeches made by famous US Presidents. Quotes by US Presidents Read our selection of quotes by US Presidents. The 44 Presidents? Are there 43 or 44 Presidents? Learn why there are actually only 43 US Presidents but 44 Presidential Administrations. The US Presidents Quiz Game The perfect way to learn! Play our free, unique Quiz Game. Multiple choice answers to questions based on our great pictures and images. |