Facts about Abigail Fillmore: Fact Sheet of Abigail Fillmore Facts and Info: This fast fact sheet provides important information about Abigail Fillmore, First Lady of the United States of America. Facts about Abigail Fillmore: Fast Overview of Events in the White House Facts and Info: Abigail Fillmore assumed the position of First Lady to President Millard Fillmore. She witnessed the important events of his presidency that included the Compromise of 1850, which allowed slavery in the South. This law failed as neither the North nor the South was happy with it but it did delay the confrontation that would eventually lead to the American Civil war (1861-1865). Personality and Character: Abigail Fillmore Quotes Facts and Info: An insight into the personal views, character and personality of this First Lady may be obtained from the following Abigail Fillmore quote by a friend regarding the new White House Library: "...could enjoy the music she so much loved, and the conversation of...cultivated society...." "Before 1850 there had been no permanent library in the White House...Mrs. Fillmore was honored by Congress with a special appropriation for the purchase of books." Facts about Abigail Fillmore: Her Nickname or Pet Name "Abby" Facts and Info: This First Lady's birth name was Abigail Powers but she was called by the pet name "Abby" by her family, friends and husband. Facts about Abigail Fillmore: First Events Facts and Info: She was the 1st First Lady to continue to work outside the home, as a schoolteacher, after she was married. But she was most famous for establishing the White House library. Facts about the Causes and Accomplishments of Abigail Fillmore Facts and Info: First Ladies are not elected so have no official role. Their accomplishments are therefore based on their own particular wishes that ranged from political interests, humanitarian and charitable causes or duties relating to their family or social responsibilities. The accomplishments of Abigail Fillmore were demonstrated in her support of literacy and the creation of the permanent White House reference library. Abigail was also instrumental in convincing President Millard Fillmore to put a stop to the practise of flogging in the U.S. Navy. Abigail Fillmore also convinced her husband to veto the Fugitive Slave Law, leading to great conflict in the Whig political party. Facts about Abigail Fillmore: The Life of Abigail Fillmore Facts and Info: Abigail powers was born on March 13, 1798 in Stillwater, New York. Her parents were not wealthy and her father died when she was young. Despite a lack of money Abigail was well educated and became a lifelong lover of books. Her love of books led her to a career in teaching. When Abigail was twenty-three years old she accepted a teaching post at Hope Academy in New York. One of her pupils at the Hope Academy was nineteen year old Millard Fillmore. The couple married February 5, 1826 and Abigail continued to work until she gave birth to their two children, Millard Powers Jnr. (1828 - 1889) and Mary Abigail (1832 - 1854). The family lived in East Aurora and then Buffalo in New York. Her husband Millard entered politics in 1832 and was elected to the House of Representatives. Abigail became a firm supporter of Millard and showed a great interest in the politics of the day. Her considerable intellect enabled her to become a close confidante and advisor to her husband. In 1848, Millard Fillmore was nominated vice president, as Zachary Taylor's running mate. The same year Abigail had an accident and broke her ankle. The injury failed to heal well and her health began to deteriorate and she suffered from intense back and leg pains. Facts about Abigail Fillmore: The Life of Abigail Fillmore in the White House On July 9, 1850 President Zachary Taylor died suddenly and unexpectedly. Millard Fillmore became the 13th President of the United States and Abigail assumed the position of First Lady. Abigail delegated some of her arduous social duties to her daughter but remained a constant advisor and political ally of her husband. Her lifelong interest in literacy and her love of books inspired her to establish a permanent reference library at the White House. Funds were secured from Congress and Abigail Fillmore spent considerable time selecting several hundred books to fill the library's shelves. Due to political disagreements with his party Millard was not re-nominated for president. Shortly after leaving the White House, at the age of 55, Abigail Fillmore contracted pneumonia and died on March 30, 1853, just 26 days after leaving the White House. Abigail Fillmore was buried in Buffalo, New York. |