Facts about Ellen Wilson: Fact Sheet of Ellen Wilson Facts and Info: This fast fact sheet provides important information about Ellen Wilson, First Lady of the United States of America. | Ellen Wilson Fact Sheet - The First Lady of President Woodrow Wilson | Relationship to President Woodrow Wilson: Wife |  | Date Ellen Wilson entered White House as First Lady: March 4, 1913 |  | Term of Presidency: 1913-1921 |
|  | When and where was Ellen Wilson born? | 
Picture of Ellen Wilson | | She was born on May 15, 1860 in Savannah, Georgia |  | What was the name of her father and mother? | | The name of her parents: Samuel Edward Axson & Margaret Hoyt Axson. She was educated at the Female Seminary in Rome, Georgia |  | What was her relationship to President Woodrow Wilson? | | She was his first wife. |  | When did she marry? | | They were married on June 24, 1885 (He married his second wife, Edith Bolling Galt, on December 18, 1915) |  | What are the names of her children? | | The names of her children were Margaret Woodrow (1886 – 1944), Jessie Woodrow (1887 – 1933), Eleanor Randolph (1889 – 1967) |  | When and where did Ellen Wilson die? | | Ellen Wilson died during her husband’s presidency on August 6, 1914 in Washington, D.C. Their daughter, Margaret Woodrow Wilson, served as First Lady until her father married Edith Galt Wilson | Ellen Wilson Fact Sheet - The First Lady of President Woodrow Wilson |
Facts about Ellen Wilson: Fast Overview of Events in the White House Facts and Info: Ellen Wilson assumed the position of First Lady to President Woodrow Wilson. She only served for 17 months as First Lady, and for much of the time she was ill. She witnessed the important events of his presidency that included the outbreak of World War 1 was triggered on 28 June 1914 by the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. (The US did not enter into World War I until 1917). Personality and Character: Ellen Wilson Quotes Facts and Info: An insight into the personal views, character and personality of this First Lady may be obtained from the following Ellen Wilson quotes. The President held Ellen in high esteem as reflected in the following quote : "It would be hard to say in what part of my life and character you have not been a supreme and beneficent influence. You are all-powerful in my development." Ellen Wilson quote: "I am naturally the most unambitious of women and life in the White House has no attractions for me." Facts about Ellen Wilson: Her Nickname or Pet Name, "the Angel in the White House" Facts and Info: This First Lady was known as "the Angel in the White House" because of her gentle demeanor and her wish to help poor people and improve housing conditions. Facts about the Causes and Accomplishments of Ellen Wilson Facts and Info: First Ladies are not elected so have no official role. Their accomplishments are therefore based on their own particular wishes that ranged from political interests, humanitarian and charitable causes or duties relating to their family or social responsibilities. The causes and accomplishments of Ellen Wilson were demonstrated in her support for better urban housing "Ellen Wilson's bill", neglected children; adult education and mental health care. Facts about Ellen Wilson: The Early Life of Ellen Wilson Facts and Info: Ellen Wilson was born on January 2, 1861 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her parents were Samuel Edward Axson & Margaret Hoyt Axson. Her well off father was a the Reverend S.E. Axson, who was a Presbyterian minister. Ellen was extremely well educated at the Female Seminary in Rome, Georgia. She met Woodrow Wilson in Rome, Georgia who was a lawyer at the time. A attractive and intelligent woman Ellen had declined several proposals of marriage before she met Woodrow Wilson. She agreed to marry Woodrow but the independent Ellen first moved to New York City to study painting at the Art Students League. Ellen and Woodrow Wilson married on June 24, 1885, at her paternal grandfather's home in Savannah, Georgia, and they moved to Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, where he worked as an associate professor of history and political economy at Bryn Mawr College. The couple had 3 children, Margaret, Jesse and Eleanor. Ellen Wilson raised the children but also found the time to study German and home economics. She also painted and exhibited landscapes and portraits that were given excellent reviews. A trusted advisor to her husband, Ellen Wilson proof read articles written by Woodrow who she firmly believed was destined to become President. Facts about Ellen Wilson: Life at the White House Facts and Info: Woodrow Wilson was elected President of the United States and Ellen assumed the role as First Lady on March 4, 1913, thrilled with her husband's success. Ellen proved to be an excellent social hostess at the White House and demonstrated the ability to combine the social duties as First Lady with her political interests relating to social causes and acting as a trusted advisor to the President. Ellen Wilson also renovated the third floor of the White House. Her energetic work came to an abrupt and untimely end when she contracted Bright's Disease, just 17 months after assuming the role of First Lady. The federal bill establishing minimum housing standards in the District of Columbia was passed in the Senate as she lay dying in the White House. Ellen made a point of saying that she hoped her husband would marry again. Ellen Wilson died on August 6, 1914 and was buried in Rome, Georgia, near the graves of her parents. Her daughter Margaret Woodrow Wilson served as First Lady until her father married Edith Galt Wilson on December 18, 1915 |